Archive of Former Website -- For Reference Purposes ONLY
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20 / 3 -- Twenty Artists / Three Days
June 4, 5, and 6, 2008
Thanks to everybody who attended the first night of our show and sale at the Hockaday Museum
This Exhibition and Sale continues from June 7 to June 14, 2008
                                                                                 Image by Nicholas Oberling

Participating Artists
Rob Akey
Bye Bitney
Nancy Cawdrey
Marsha Davis
Thomas English
Frank Hagel
Allen Jimmerson
Karen Leigh
Corinne Lundgren
Jeff Manion
Dave Mihalic
Nicholas Oberling
Mark Ogle
Mike Patterson
Thomas Saubert
Greg Scheibel
Janet Sullivan
Linda Tippetts
Ron Ukrainetz
Rusti Warner
Twenty invited artists painted on location around the Flathead Valley from June 4 to 6, 2008.
Maps with artist locations were available at the Hockaday Museum, in the Flathead Beacon on June 4, and online HERE  All artists convened at the Hockaday on Saturday, June 7 to display their work, and launch an exhibition and sale of their work. Thanks to all who attended!
20/3 will continue until June 14 to give everyone a chance to see and purchase the results of this delightful collaboration.
Sponsors for 20 / 3 :

Annual Fund Drive